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We Pioneered PRIVATE Podcasting for Corporate Communication

We’re the FIRST full-service podcast production company to specialize in creating and producing PRIVATE and INTERNAL PODCASTS that provide companies with an efficient, convenient and engaging way to reach and engage SELECT AUDIENCES (employees, teams, customers, candidates, franchisees, etc.).

Since 2017 we’ve produced hundreds of private/internal shows for companies like American Express, Harman, Keurig, Korn Ferry, Panasonic, and PepsiCo (you can find examples here).

Yes, you can (and should) use podcasts for internal communications, L&D, leader development & visibility, internal knowledge sharing, employee engagement, trainings, onboarding, candidate experience, customer relationship building and more.


You Already Have a PUBLIC-FACING Company Podcast. Now Consider a PRIVATE One!


These days everyone listens to podcasts. And they’re not just tuning-in for mindless entertainment, they listen to get INSPIRED, get INFORMED, get IDEAS, get SMARTER and learn new SKILLS. You might even say they listen to “make their heads BIGGER” (sorry, we couldn’t resist).

Of course, your company knows how popular podcasts have become, which is why there’s a good chance you currently have a company-branded PUBLIC-FACING podcast targeting the broader business community.

But why stop there? Why not use this familiar and convenient format to also inspire, educate, inform and motivate SELECT AUDIENCES?

Here at BigHeads we can produce PRIVATE (internal) shows that are released EXCLUSIVELY to your company EMPLOYEES and TEAMS, to help amplify and modernize your internal communication efforts, learning and development initiatives, town halls, fireside chats, training initiatives, field communications and, obviously, company business updates.

But “PRIVATE” doesn’t just mean for employees or internal teams only. We can produce private podcasts for any specific audience, including key customers, clients, partners, franchisees, board members, investors, candidates, interns, distributors and more.

Overall, producing podcasts exclusively for select audiences is a powerful way to provide them with key information that might not be appropriate for “public consumption” using a current and convenient format. And, while this approach might be new for you (and may even make you a bit uncomfortable), you’ll be in the best hands possible since our founder, JOHN PALUMBO, helped to pioneer this innovative approach.


Things You Should Know, Consider and Keep In Mind About Private Podcasts


We think most companies define “Private Podcasts” incorrectly. Watch HERE.

Conversations are more important than a lot of people think. Watch HERE.

Yes. You can produce Private Podcasts on your own, Just keep in mind what it will take. Watch HERE.

Everyone wants to know how much it COSTS to have use produce a Private Podast. Listen HERE.

Just because it’s a podcast, doesn’t mean the marketing team needs to get involved (sorry marketers). Watch HERE.

People still love to debate whether podcasts should be Audio or Video. Watch HERE.

Choosing right HOST is just as important as choosing right guests for a Private Podcast. Watch HERE.

Don’t shy away from LONG FORM podcasts. Not everything needs to be a “snack.” Watch HERE.

If you tried doing a private podcast and it didn’t go well…don’t just say it “didn’t work” and give up on the strategy. Watch HERE.

Don’t just give up on doing a Private Podcast because you’re concerned that you won’t have the content (or time) to maintain it. There are strategies you can use to take the pressure off. Watch HERE.

Believe it or not, lots of leaders are hesitant to launch a podast (especially one they would host). Watch HERE.

Private podcasts actually fit within the “70-20-10 Rule” (all you HR and L&D folks know what that is). Watch HERE.

HR leaders and teams really should be using Private Podcasts. Watch HERE.

Did you know that Private Podcasts can help leaders show their HUMAN side? Watch HERE.

As you probably guessed, we’ve been asked just about every question imaginable about Private Podcasts…and we created a podcast to address them all. Listen HERE.

The Internal Podcasts they’ve produced are like custom MasterClasses for our teams at American Express.
— -E. Bai Koo, EVP - Strategy & Operations, Global Commercial Services at American Express